Heavy- Duty Canopy Adventure for a Mercedes X-Class D/Cab 2018+ in black with checker plate doors .
The heavy- d uty c anopies f rom Alu-Cab are in m any w ays u nique in t he market. W ith p rocessed m aterial a lmost a ll f rom A luminum , t he c anopy have e xceptional advantage of UV- a nd c orrosion r esistance . The A luminum frame g ives t he c anopy a dvantages of l ightness a nd r igidity . W ith a n Alu-Cab h ardtop i t is p ossible t o put big loads on t he roof a nd b e a ble t o c ustomize t he i nside t hanks t o t he C-Rails i ntegrated in t he A luminum frame. The side d oors over t he hole l ength m akes i t easy t o a ccesses t he i nside of t he c anopy .
The Explorer m odels have a r ear door over t he w hole l ength w ere t he Adventure c anopies have a small door t hat l eaves p lace f or a ladder or a jerrycan h older on b oth sides.
The m ounting of t he c anopy o ccur t hrough t he vehicle s pecific b rackets t hat are d elivered w ith t he c anopy . These are c onnected t hrough o riginal m ounting pointes in t he vehicle. T his a llows a q uick a nd easy m ounting p rocess t hat d oesn’t r equire drilling.
With a wide range of available accessories it is possible to adjust the canopy with cargo rail or an inside kitchen kit for the appropriate task . Wether it is camping or working with the Alu-Cab Canopy you will be able to adapt and execute in the best way possible .
What is Included ?
Important characteristics :
Technical Data:
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Langskomen? Bel 085 – 066 73 00
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4WD Specialist
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5411 LS Zeeland (N.Br)
T: 085 - 066 73 00
E: info@4wdspecialist.nl
KVK: 81851138
IBAN: NL29RABO0365578274
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Wij zijn van maandag tot en met vrijdag van 08.30 uur tot 17.00 uur geopend maar alleen op afspraak te bezoeken.
Langskomen? Bel 085 – 066 73 00.